Review: Spark: How Genius Ignites, From Child Prodigies to Late Bloomers by Claudia Kalb

Spark chronicled through storytelling and extensive research, 13 influential people that have had a tremendous impact on our culture through science, medicine, the arts, entertainment and politics. Spark examined each individual through their life and journey to explore what made them extraordinary. Chronicled through their stages in life, we are given an insightful commentary that explores the trajectory of the people that have defined what it means to be genius and how their contributions have shaped our lives.

Overall, I thought the book was really interesting. There is much that I didn’t know and the way the book was put together was very informative. I found the trajectory of the early accomplishers to the ones who bloomed later in life very insightful. Through her research and interviews, I feel she gave a fresh perspective to understanding what made them great. I really appreciate how she didn’t broad stroke their contributions. Each was given their due and not celebrated for who they were and accomplishments individually. Overall, it brought some thought provoking questions that I feel were answered at conclusion. This was a good read.