Q&A with Julie Kagawa, The Iron Raven

Julie Kagawa_Hires2017.jpg

What was the hardest scene to write in The Iron Raven? What was the easiest?

I can't say too much without giving away spoilers, but the hardest scene in The Iron Raven was near the very end of the book when they're fighting the final Big Bad, and Puck does a completely Puck-ish thing to give them a fighting chance. It was random and irreverent and completely ridiculous, so I had to get it just right to avoid making it cheesy. The easiest scene was one where Puck and Ash were semi-seriously threatening each other, because I know those two so well and it was all rather familiar.

Did you hide any secrets in your book? (names of friends, little jokes, references to things only some people will get)?

Lol, well I'm going to reveal my absolute geekiness and say that the name of the newest character, Nyx, is actually my D&D character, a dragon-hating elven assassin. There were a few tweaks, of course, but Nyx is...well, me in a D&D campaign. :P

What do you hope people remember about The Iron Raven?

I hope The Iron Raven brings back the feel of the first Iron Fey novels, where everything was new and surreal and exciting. I hope readers will experience the same wonder and belief in magic, friendship, love and heroism that I tried to present in the first series.

Did The Iron Raven have a certain soundtrack you listened to while writing?

My music tastes are eclectic, but I do listen to a lot of Two Steps From Hell while writing, because its mostly instrumental and they have some epic soundtracks.

What is your dream cast for The Iron Raven?

I am so bad at this question I don't even think I can answer it. Apologies, but I really am terrible at remembering actors and actresses. This is a great question for fans, though. Who would your dream cast be for an Iron Fey series?